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New Indiana Child Support Guidelines

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2024 | Child Custody

The most extensive revisions ever made to the Indiana Child Support Guidelines took effect on January 1, 2024. It is important for all parents with child support orders to be aware of the most significant changes in the Guidelines, as they may be cause to reevaluate calculations:

  • What was once known as the “6% Rule” has been removed from the Guidelines. This rule required the parent receiving child support to pay uninsured medical expenses up to a specific amount before the other parent needed to contribute. Although this rule will remain in effect if your pre-2024 agreements and/or orders reference it, going forward the courts will divide uninsured medical expenses from the first dollar according to the parents’ income shares.
  • The formulas used in child support calculations have been updated based on current economic information, since the prior system was largely based on economic data from the 1970s. in our experience so far, these new formulas are usually leading to slightly higher calculations, meaning an increase or decrease to a parent’s income may have a larger effect on the child support figure than it would under the prior formulas.
  • Similarly, the formulas have also been updated to be more precise in calculating the overnight credit, allowing for the credit to be calculated for split custody arrangements, or when parents exercise different overnight schedules with their children.

These are only some of the many changes made to the Indiana Child Support Guidelines. If you have further questions or would like to discuss a potential modification of child support, please contact Brazill Hester today!