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3 reasons to consider mediation for a high-end divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2023 | Divorce

As a marriage unfolds, divorce eventually ends up in the conversation.

With Indiana ranking as one of the states with the highest divorce rates, you know many others have gone through similar situations. For couples who have accumulated wealth, things often get more complicated, which often leads many high-asset couples to choose mediation as the best option. Here are three reasons to use mediation in your divorce.

1. Ensure privacy

Regardless of where the wealth comes from, having it often means that you have made a name for yourself as a pillar in the community. Whether a business leader or philanthropist, you want that name to stay untarnished. Mediation offers a way for you and your future ex to hash out your divorce settlement with privacy. Instead of going to court, where details become public records, private sessions with a mediator stay private.

2. Control the outcome

While you can expect to go back and forth on many topics, mediation provides a neutral and safe environment to come to a final agreement. As you go through asset division, custody arrangements and more, you get to give your input on how it will work out. If you go to court, the judge will determine the most equitable solution.

3. Expedite the process

Many couples simply cannot get along and push the divorce through the court system. When that happens, it may lead to a long, drawn-out process that takes its toll mentally and financially. By working together, you can greatly speed up the process and get to start your new life.

Although mediation may not serve as the right solution for some couples, the benefits may make it ideal for others.